Now Enrolling for Adult, Adolescent, and Parent Programs!

Looking for Help?
You’re in the Right Place.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Adult Programs

The DBT Adult program focuses on all ages 18 and above and includes:

  • 3 groups – Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness – with Mindfulness skills taught in each of the groups
  • Weekly Individual Therapy sessions
  • 24/7 Skills Coaching with your therapist
  • Weekly Consultation for the therapist.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Adolescent Programs

DBT Adolescent programs for Pre-teens (11-13 year olds) and Teens (14-18 year olds) and their parents or care-givers. Both the Pre-teen and Teen programs include:

  • 4 multifamily groups – Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Walk The Middle Path – with Mindfulness skills taught in each of the groups
  • 4 teen-only groups for the 14-18 year old teen program
  • Weekly Individual therapy sessions
  • Monthly Family therapy sessions
  • 24/7 Skill Coaching for the teen and their parents or care-givers
  • Weekly consultation for the therapist

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Parent Program

The Parent DBT program focuses on parents and caregivers with children of ANY age – whether the children are adult, adolescent, elementary, or toddler-aged children, and includes:

  • 4 groups – Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Walk The Middle Path – with Mindfulness skills taught in each of the groups
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • 24/7 Skill Coaching for parents
  • Weekly Consultation for the therapist

Comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Successful DBT therapy utilizes Skills Groups, Therapy, and Support to assist you in

building a life worth living.


50 Minute Sessions

Weekly Individual
Therapy with your
own therapist

Skills Groups

2 Hour Sessions

Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotional Regulation
Walk the Middle Path
(For adolescents)


Brief Phone Call

24/7 Telephone Coaching


Weekly Between Therapists

Your therapist
continually strengthens
and improves their
DBT expertise
through consultation
with other
DBT therapists

Our Philosophy

We believe in the power of therapy.

We believe that acceptance and change can happen.

We believe that you can have a life worth living!

Find the Right DBT Program for You

DBT therapy is the only proven method for treating borderline personality disorder.
We’ve designed our programs to give you and your loved ones the perfect balance of change and acceptance. Each program is designed specifically for age and position in life.

Adult Program

DBT for Adults

Teen Program

Ages 14-18

Preteen Program

Ages 11-13

Parent Group

Parent Group

Trauma Informed

Trauma Therapy

Specialized Groups

Dissociation Group and Summer Group

Is DBT Right for You?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy can be especially helpful for those experiencing:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Suicidal or Self-Harm Behaviors
  • Chaotic Relationships
  • Impulsive Urges and Behaviors
  • Past Trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • fEmotion Dysregulation
  • Substance Disorders or Addiction

This also includes helping people who are experiencing normal struggles in daily life such as:

  • ZCommunication, self-respect, and relationship challenges
  • ZIdentity questions of “Who am I?”
  • ZChronic feelings of emptiness, fear, and anger
  • ZFear of abandonment and thinking, “I feel so alone.”
  • ZConfusion about intense or extreme emotions
  • ZBeliefs of “I’m not good enough.” and “I fail at everything.”
  • ZLife transitions and relationship changes

If these sound like your experiences, DBT was created for you!

Still wondering if DBT therapy is for you?

Ask yourself…

Do you worry about being in the “right” relationship, saying the “right” thing and/or feeling shame about being alone?

Do you often think, “I’m not good enough”? Or, “I’m stuck”?

Do you often think, “I’m not sure I can handle life”, “I work so hard! Why does this keep happening to me?”

“No one understands me” or, “I don’t even understand myself – why would anyone else understand me?”

Do your goals and values seem just out of your reach, no matter what you do?

Let’s talk!