Our DBT Parent Group Program

The Parent DBT program focuses on parents and caregivers with children of ANY age – whether the children are adult, adolescent, elementary, or toddler-aged children, and includes:

  • 4 groups – Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Walk The Middle Path – with Mindfulness skills taught in each of the groups
  • Individual therapy sessions
  • 24/7 Skill Coaching for parents
  • Weekly Consultation for the therapist
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Our Philosophy

We believe in the power of therapy.

We believe that acceptance and change can happen.

We believe that you can have a life worth living!

Comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Successful DBT therapy utilizes Skills Groups, Therapy, and Support to assist you in

building a life worth living.


50 Minute Sessions

Weekly Individual
Therapy with your
own therapist

Skills Groups

2 Hour Sessions

Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotional Regulation
Walk the Middle Path
(For adolescents)


Brief Phone Call

24/7 Telephone Coaching


Weekly Between Therapists

Your therapist
continually strengthens
and improves their
DBT expertise
through consultation
with other
DBT therapists