As part of Comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), DBT Skills Groups are an essential component of the program. While individual therapy plays a critical role in your journey, building a life worth living within the confines of a fifty-minute session can be challenging. DBT Skills Groups offer a structured, interactive environment to learn, practice, and refine key skills in mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotion regulation. By mastering these tools in a group setting, you can make better use of your individual therapy sessions by focusing on how to apply these skills to your unique life circumstances.

The group setting also provides a safe space to share and receive feedback from peers, observe how others apply DBT skills, and collaboratively troubleshoot challenges. Some of the most impactful insights often arise from the shared experiences and interactions among group members.

What to Expect in a DBT Skills Group

DBT Skills Groups meet once a week for about two hours. Each session is thoughtfully structured to maximize learning and engagement:

  • Mindfulness Practice (First Hour): Every session begins with a brief mindfulness exercise to enhance self-awareness and set the tone for effective group participation. This practice also reinforces mindfulness as the foundation for other DBT skills.

  • Skills Review: After mindfulness, members review their weekly practice assignments, sharing their efforts and insights. This discussion allows for feedback and guidance from both peers and the group’s co-leaders and therapists.

  • Skills Training (Second Hour): The group leader introduces a new DBT skill, explaining its principles and application. Members are encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussion to deepen their understanding.

  • Weekly Practice Assignments: At the end of each session, members are given practice worksheets to reinforce the day’s learning and continue applying the skills in daily life.

  • Wind-Down Activity: Each group concludes with a relaxing activity to help transition smoothly from the group setting back into everyday life.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re curious about joining a DBT Skills Group or have any questions, we’re here to help! Contact us to learn more or take the first step toward joining our program.